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Fitting my life in a Backpack. Essentials I'm taking for travelling.

Rachel Chesson-Cowell

I'm going travelling with just one big back pack. So, what do I actually take and what is actually going to fit into my bag? A question I have been asking myself for months and still asking as I'm packing now. Putting things into perspective you don't actually need lots of the things we have in our cupboards and bedrooms in order to essentially survive. So, here are a few cooler unexpected items I'm taking and of course all the essentials you might not think you need, and hopefully this could help some of you who are planning to go travelling also.

Let's start with some Must Haves:

First Aid Kit - The most important thing to carry whilst travelling apart from your passport and money is a First Aid Kit. You never know when you might need a plaster or a full-on bandage.

Medication of all sorts - Travelling to new countries with foods, water and environments very different to ones at home is bound to end in stomach aches, headache and more. There are so many changes to your body that may need some medical attention. So be prepared and take a variation of medicines to keep you feeling your very best.

Sun Tan & After Sun Lotions - If you're travelling somewhere super-hot and sunny always protect yourself and your skin with sun tan lotion. Sun exposure without protection is dangerous, so if you are in the sun persistently for months on end you need to care for your skin. After Sun Lotion is also an amazing product to help cool and lock moisture in your skin after being out in the sunshine.

Handy Haves:

Binoculars - I know this is a bit of a different item to what you'd pack for a week away in sunny Spain but, if you're doing lots of sight-seeing in jungles, mountains or boat rides, having Binoculars is going to let you be able to see everything differently and in more detail. If I see a wild rare monkey or elephant in the wild, I want to see it up close!

Torch - Phones dead? In complete darkness? And can't that specific hoodie you packed right at the bottom of your back pack that you so desperately need right now? Get a torch! You never know when there is going to be a power cut or you're on a night bus and there is no light to help you find anything. A torch will always be there for you ... unless the battery runs out.

Packing Cubes - The last thing I want to do is to be pulling a hoodie from the bottom of my backpack and along with it drag out half of the contents in my bag as well. Or unpack my whole back pack for a pair of knickers. With packing cubes, you can just pick out the cube containing the type of clothing you need without the hassle and chuck it back in.

Micro fibre towel - You don't want to pack a massive bath towel or have a damp towel hanging out in your back pack with your clothes, so a micro fibre towel is the way to go. Micro Fibre towels soak up loads of water, dry so quickly and are super compactable and are great for back packing.

Now let's end with the gadgets:

Camera - Great to have to capture all the beautiful places that you may never get to return to, you also get high quality pictures that you can then print out to create a photo album to treasure forever.

I-Pad - Download your favourite episodes and movies across Netflix, Amazon and more to watch on shorter haul flights to keep you entertained and make time fly.

Headphone Splitter - Well you've got to share when watching your downloaded movies and episodes. Do it with a headphone splitter and avoid awkward headphone sharing instead.

Go Pro and SD cards - Diving under water, cliff jumping, elephant washing, zip lining in a jungle, you may want to capture these amazing moments but you can't do that with most phones so get a Go Pro or equivalent gadget. Also, if you feel like you will take lots of videos and pictures pack extra SD cards so you don't run out of memory space.

Portable Charger - Last but not least the trusty Portable Charger! Now days we can't live without our mobile phones and being in a different country a mobile phone can really help. It can help find your way, book hotels, hostels and even check in early on your next flight, but you can't do all this if your phone is dead. So, get a portable charger and don't leave yourself in a dilemma!


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